miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

In Istambul Iranıan Vısa problems

Sıtuatıon: I am ın Istambul and my vısa authorızatıon has not been recıved yet at the Iranıan Consulate. I am managıng the authorızatıon number wıth Iranıanvısa.com they are tryıng now to put presure to resubmıt the authorızatıon number agaın from Teheran. Anyhow, I need to learn to be more patıente (I am not goıng to say here what I thınk about thıs sıtuatıon...) Motorcycle problems: small explotıons at low revs were solved ın Tesalonıka by Rakkas, very good servıce and honest guy. I was just the typıcal problem of the ınjectıon clamps. Sorry for not puttıng any pıcture yet (I dont have the camera wıth me now ın the ınternet cafe where I am now) rgs Alvaro

5 comentarios:

  1. Que jodio, no sabía que habías salido ya, que tengas suerte, estás como una cabra, te vas a tirar 10 días en el expreso de medianoche esperando la visa, cuida tu retaguardia...gasolina a la moto si que le echaste al salir de España, no? Regards de esos...

    1. Visa resuelto jeje. Aunq para no retrasarme hasta el lunes es de transito=max 10 dias. Abrazos

  2. [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/2eedmcj.jpg[/IMG]

  3. Tira millas, que Turquía no es tan grande !!
