lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Arrived to Iran

Hi everybody!

This is Arancha, Alvaro's wife, writing just a few lines on his behalf so you can read the latest news.

Today Alvaro crossed the Iranian border, so now he is in Iran, although I don't know the exact city, he didn't tell me, well to be precise, he didn't write it on the whatsapp, roaming problems didn't let us speak.

He says that it's a nice country and people are also very nice, the only small problem is that they don't speak english, not even at the hotel... So it's a good thing that there are some gestures that can be understood worlwide!!! He has the transit visa, this means he has 10 days to cross the country.

I have uploaded some pictures taken before departuring: with Anto and Nacho (thanks a lot for everything), with Anto and Sinewan and the day of the departure (nice day... cold and rain).

I promise next update will be longer.

4 comentarios:

  1. Such an experience!!! Enjoy your trip!

    Regards from Spain

  2. Animo Alvaro, que nada te detenga !!

  3. We are always learning English...and finally you must make"MIMIKA"....
    Good Luck!!
    We are waiting more news...... please put some IRANIAN pictures
    Enjoy a lot!!

    Big Hug!


  4. Álvaro, eres un campeón!!!

    Mucho ánimo en tu viaje. Anoche tuvimos la cena de Navidad, nos juntamos unos 28 y me comentaron de tu viaje.

    Me alegro de saber que hay otros moteros en el grupo, y además muy, muy viajeros.

    Yo ando lesionado, por un golpe contra un coche en la Castellana, cuando salía de mi semáforo y ella se empeñaba en seguir hasta el lateral aunque ya no podía... Resultado: rotura en pedacitos del radio a la altura de la muñeca y tras casi 3 meses, la muñeca casi tiesa y haciendo rehabilitación.

    Lo dicho, mucho ánimo y disfruta!!

    Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo

    Juan M
